What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of Digital Marketing that involves sending promotional messages or materials to groups of subscribers by email. These messages usually contain advertisements, commercial messages, sales solicitation or donation, or a call for business.
Email marketing is very important because, with it,  You can get instant traffic, automate relationships, it’s evergreen and very very cost effective.


What Makes Email Marketing So Important?


If you have been in the Internet Marketing Industry for a while now, you must have heard the very popular phrase ‘The money is in the list’. It’s absolutely true and if you have not started building a List of subscribers of your own, you are leaving a Huge Chunk of money on the table.

Now let’s dive into what makes Email Marketing so important that even top companies like CNN, BBC, Amazon, Walmart, etc all have list of subscribers.

Building Relationships

Email Marketing enables you to easily build relationships with your subscribers.

I usually achieve this through my autoresponder sequence which is a pre-written set of emails scheduled to go out at set times after someone just subscribes to my list.

I will offer further insight into this and how I was able to Build a huge number of subscribers within 16 days plus a Case Study of how I did it!

Warm Traffic

Email Marketing List provides you with warm traffic that is ready to take any Action you ask them to. You have the ability to directly communicate with your warm audience at the push of a button.

You can also reach out to thousands of people in an instant to take action, whether that is to read your new post or check out a special offer.

Owning an Email List is like being the Pastor of a Church or an Artist in a Concert with over 2k, 3k, 10, 100k to millions of Audience.

Having the ability to control thousands of peoples attention and direct it wherever you choose is like having superhero powers!


You actually do not need a huge budget to build an Email List. You can skip a startbox coffee and start building your email list. This makes it cost-effective and an absolute no brainer!

Secured Asset

Your Email List is one Digital asset that is not affected by external factors. No matter what happens your List will always be intact. As long as you have a backup.

There are a lot of digital marketing channels out there that change very dramatically or they die. What has value today may not necessarily have value tomorrow:

  • Ranking #1 on AltaVista in 1997 was fantastic for any business—but it’s not that important now. Does AltaVista even exist anymore?
  • Having the dopest Myspace page was, back in 2002, absolutely awesome. Probably doesn’t matter as much now—right?
  • Spamming your way to growth through social invites seemed like a great strategy for the creators of Farmville—then Facebook changed the rules regarding social invites and FarmVille’s stock price slid as well.
  • Praying Google doesn’t change the rules doesn’t work either. Demand Media basically went public off of low-quality content marketing—but then, Google’s Panda Update really slapped them and their stock price took a very dramatic drop.

Rules change all the time.

Google and Facebook can change their rules all the time. Different social networks can expand and contract all the time. Stuff can often change a lot—but email often doesn’t change.

That’s because email is not a social channel. It’s a web protocol, and that’s different in many ways.

Your email list isn’t subject to the same risks as your website and will stay with you forever.




What Are the Different Types of Emails?

1. Newsletter

Email newsletters are communications sent out to inform your audience of the latest news, tips, or updates about your product or company via mail. They are often used for a variety of purposes–and they come in many different shapes and forms. Newsletters are very popular and they often contain the Business’s blog content, infotainment, upcoming events, product announcements, special offers and any updates about your company that would be of interest to your subscriber.

Newsletter emails help you:

  • Build a positive relationship with your customers
  • Update customers of company and industry news
  • Builds and maintains your brand’s reputation
  • Increase visibility for the brand and its products
  • Send out your latest content (like a blog newsletter)
  • Drive engagement for a company’s campaigns


2. Welcome emails

Honestly, welcome emails are the Gold mine of emails: According to stats, 320% more revenue is attributed to them on a per email basis (over other promotional emails).

Do you need them?

That’s a resounding YES

The welcome email tells you basically what you need to know about a company’s product/services.


3. Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing kind of emails involves guiding your leads through a sales funnel and converting them into customers. When a Lead just subscribes to your List, the subscriber may not necessarily be ready to buy from you. The subscribers’ trust first needs to be built. A good way of achieving this by sending out valuable contents yours your email newsletters.

Listen, Lead nurturing is not a once-off email but, rather, a series of emails approach, so you can test with different types of emails which will help to build that very important relationship.

4. Promotional

Promotional emails are very common in email marketing, which is why it’s important to add more value to them instead of sending the old “15% off” type of email almost everybody sends. One way to achieve this is by highlighting the product or service on offer and then adding some valuable content about what you’re selling.

You can also use Exclusivity in your Promotional Emails. This means making things exclusive or only available for a limited time. It’s a natural reaction to think that something is worth having because only so many people can actually get it.

Making an offer exclusively available to VIP customers makes it infinitely more appealing. I have also bought many products in the past that were only made available to VIP subscribers

The primary Aim of promotional emails is to sell something. But I will advise you also provide value while doing it.

5. Promotional

Celebrating Milestones helps your readers feel special. In an Email Marketing funnel, there are several stages that a customer goes through while interacting with any brand. As they progress through Funnel (new subscriber to a customer), it’s very crucial that you highlight milestones such as anniversaries and birthdays. Your milestone emails are there to remind and celebrate these special moments.

6. Product announcement emails

Product announcement Emails are usually sent when a company is unveiling a New product.

When Launching a new product, the first people to know should be your email list subscribers.

You can get 60-70% better conversion selling to an existing customer (versus 5-20% success selling to a new one). Selling to people who have already bought from you is an easy way to Boost sales

7. Curated content emails

Curated content emails are collections of relevant, high-quality content.
It can mean a collection of content pieces related to one topic, or it can be curated info from other content and used to form a new content piece of your own.

How can you easily do this?

Pick a relevant topic, and then pick relevant content.

Easy enough, I know, right?

Neil Patel uses a checklist of questions to choose a focus topic and what content to put in a curated content email:

  • Does my audience need to solve this problem?
  • Is there enough data here to support further analysis and discussion?
  • Do I trust this information and where it came from?
  • If I expand on this content, will it strengthen my brand?
  • Do I have a unique perspective that hasn’t been fully explored yet?

If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then you’re looking at a topic that’s worth covering.
Some ways to curate content are:

  • Gather influencer advice on a topic
  • Gather “best of the week” content from your industry
  • Gather a collection of your best content pieces about the topic


Basically, the slideshow talks about how Email Marketing directly affects your SEO. One of the key takeaways from the slideshow is that email subscribers are considered “converted” the moment they subscribe to your website. They are also more likely to share your content which translates to positive social signals.

Why is that a good thing? Your subscribers receive your posts every time so they are always informed. They get the information that they want while you have their permission to market more of your content to them. That is always a win-win scenario in SEO.

Getting started with your own email marketing is easy – all you have to do is sign up for either MailChimp or Benchmark since they offer freemium accounts; that’s great for people who are starting out.

All of these and more are discussed in the slideshow so do check it out!


Importance of utilizing different types of emails in your Email Marketing

You need to have a  balance between value emails and promotional emails but on some occasions, it can be hard to get right.

How do you know what to send (and when?)

Segmentation helps you understand what people want so you can give it to them.

Now that you understand the different types of emails, and how to measure them, and why it’s important to be versatile, it’s time to go back to your email campaign strategy and apply all this newfound knowledge.


Now that you have learned what is Email Marketing and the different types of Email Marketing above, you are ready to move on to the next part in my email marketing tutorial series to learn about:

The Effective Email Marketing Strategies of 2019

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the email marketing tutorial series to learn how to effectively grow your business in 2019 with Email Marketing.

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