Interested in becoming a direct sales consultant? It’s a great business model choice for many. It provides a number of the benefits of owning your own business without many of the drawbacks. Before you sign up with a direct sales company, take these five steps.

Once you’ve worked your way through this process, you’re ready for your own direct sales business and tremendous success!

#1 Analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

What are you good at? What are you not so skilled at doing? What do you find uncomfortable? Where are you in your element? Spend some time answering these questions either on paper or in your head.

The answers may surprise you. They are also incredibly important to your overall success as a direct sales entrepreneur. For example, if you love talking in front of groups but dislike administrative tasks, then you’ll know better how to position your business. You’ll know that the party aspect of your business will be great. You’ll also know that you may want to hire an administrative assistant to manage those tasks.

#2 What are you interested in?

There are direct sales businesses for just about every type of product. Make a list of your interests before you start searching for your ideal company. The more enthusiastic you are about your products, the better you’ll sell them.

#3 Attend direct sales parties.

Spend some time attending various direct sales parties. In fact, if you can connect with other direct sales consultants this is a great learning opportunity. You can learn the ins and outs of the business. You can learn more about particular direct sales companies. And you may find a good mentor in the process.

#4 Brush up on business-building skills.

Spend some time reading not only about direct sales but also about owning your own business. There’s a lot to learn. Study selling skills. Study time management advice. Study organizational information like cash management and bookkeeping too. Setting your business up right in the beginning will help you avoid mistakes later on.

#5 Take a look at the money.

How much do you have to invest? How much do you want to make? You’ll likely need a small investment to get started as a direct sales consultant. Do you have money set aside? If not, start saving now. You’ll probably only need a few hundred dollars to get your starting inventory. Once you’re up and running, how much do you have to invest in new inventory and products?

Also take a look at your income goals. This is important. Setting financial goals helps you stay motivated. It also helps you plan. For example, if you know you want to make $24,000 in your first year and you know that the average party earns $1000 then you know you need to have at least two parties a month. This is important information.

Once you’ve worked your way through these five steps and are confident with your answers and what you’ve learned, it’s time to find that perfect opportunity. Start researching direct sales companies and find the one that’s right for you.

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