When you start out in the direct sales business, knowing some tips and tricks can be helpful. If you are already in a direct sales business that needs a boost, tips can help you, too.

Maybe you’re doing well in direct sales and want to do better! Improving your business is always a good idea. After all, direct sales is competitive. Here are some tips that may help.

Manageable Goals

Evaluate (or re-evaluate) your business goals. It helps to have definite financial goals ($1000 a month, for example), and then a set of reasonable steps you need to take to reach that goal. Only you know if you can, in fact, take those steps; if you don’t think you can do it or if it looks too easy, this kind of evaluation is the time to cut back or step it up, depending.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Once you have your goals in place, it helps to have someone check up on you to see about the progress of those goals. Those experienced in direct sales suggest getting an accountability partner. This person will be aware of your goals (this is why they need to be concrete), and he or she can call or email you regularly to see how you’re doing. If possible, this person should be someone else in direct sales or with some kind of experience. But in theory, it can be anyone who is willing.

Hire a Coach

There are various businesses that have sprung out of the need to teach others about business. You can look online and find various businesses dedicated to helping the direct sales representative. These companies usually charge a fee or offer you a one-time kit purchase. Some of them offer one-on-one coaching for an hourly fee. It may be a worthwhile investment to give your business a boost.

Remember it’s a Business

Sometimes, a home businessman or woman has a hard time getting a business-oriented mindset when there is no business suit, desk, and office. To help this problem, you might try one or more of the following.

* Set aside an office area of your home. If possible, this should be a place where you work and work only. It does not have to be big or elaborate, but it needs to be customized. You know what gets you into or out of a “business” mood – set up your space accordingly.

* Set business hours. Non-business email, social networking, and phone calls should not take place during that time. If a friend calls you to chat, you will need to be firm but kind about your business hours and ask him or her to call back when you are not working. Being able to have definite work and social hours is beneficial for everyone.

* Dress accordingly. You don’t have to have a business suit (unless that works for you!), but dressing as you would in an office can do wonders for setting the business mood. It’s motivating, and you feel like you can tackle whatever comes your way, including a last-minute face-to-face meeting.

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