Two Keys to Happy Website Visitors

As a website owner you want to make sure your visitors are happy. Happy visitors stay on your website longer. They come back for repeat visits. And of course they buy from your website. When it comes to a website’s structure, there are two elements that can make or break your user experience. #1 Quick …

Three Ideas and Strategies to Give Your Visitors a Reason to Return

A website generates two main types of visitors. There are the visitors that stop by and leave. They never return again. Then there are the visitors that stop by. They bookmark your site. They sign up for your opt-in list. They subscribe to your blog. These are the visitors you want. When you can motivate …

Make It Easy for Your Visitors to Complete Your Website Goals

What are your website goals? Do you have any? Presumably you want to make money, but how? Does each page on your site have a goal? If so, does the goal of the page also support your ultimate website goal?   Your website goals might include: * To sell a product * To sell a …

When Should You Start Taking on Direct Advertisers?

Bloggers who make their money from direct advertisers rather than through AdSense can make as much as 3-4 times higher CPMs. The direct ads market is a significant step up from monetizing via other methods. When should you take this step? Read on. => What Direct Advertisers Are Looking For There are a few things …